Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Work out.

So I've been doing Insanity for about almost two months now, and I can honestly say that it has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I now understand the meaning of sweat, and tears, this work out pushes you to be better and challenges you mentally and physically. After the first two weeks of intense work outs 6 days a week, I noticed that my body was starting to change and so was my attitude on life. I know working out 6 days a week sounds scary, but if you think about all the time you spend sitting on your computer and watching tv it probably adds up to about 3 hours. You can take 1 hour out of your 3 hours sessions and do something to improve yourself. I promise you that you will feel amazing. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, you will have bad days and good days, as long as you get back up and keep going. Remember to where you started, appreciate where you are, and have faith for where your going.

The video I linked at the top is a couple reviews on Insanity, and the video at the bottom is the first work out of the 60 day challenge. Share your progress here, link pictures and post comments. Let's start your weight loss journey.  

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