Monday, April 29, 2013

No More Strain on your …. Hair?

“ghd eclipse, £195,
“We don't remember hair before the ghd. Well, if we racked our brains hard enough, we probably could, but we certainly don't want to. And it just got better. The eclipse uses patented tri-zone technology, meaning that instead of the usual two heat sensors, there are six (three in each plate) to keep the styler heat consistently at 185°c, the optimum temperature for taming even the most difficult-to-manage locks.”
-Glamour Magazine
Hello once again back with some exciting news! This is the new must have strightner and after reading this article from glamour magazine I don’t know who wouldn’t be excited! But if that’s not enough to excite you I have copied the link above!
-Happy Shopping J
Danielle Lafortune

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